Welcome to my blog

This is the story of my journey growing up in a family with all brothers who saw every raised platform as a stage. These guys kept me sane in the most difficult times in life. We had a bond that forms when children band together to make the best of a difficult situations. I loved them and they loved me. Together we pushed through the hardship and made it into adulthood, some more broken than others, but made it just the same with the help of God.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The guys chase Bobby through the street.

Poor Bobby, he never could say no to Jerry. You won't believe this but this situation happened after they were adults. Anyway, one Halloween Jerry and his wife got the notion it would be funny to dress Bobby up like a woman. Mind you, they were adults!Jerry's wife had a flair for the dramatic and all the stuffed to transform skinny Bobby into a curvaceous woman.She was a large chested woman and her bra was the one used to pad the top. She had a blond wig and fine clothes which they made Bobby wear. Oh, lets not forget the pantyhose and full make-up. I believe Bobby also wore false eyelashes- why not- everything else was false! Oh,Oh, did I mention he wore high heels? oh,yea! So, there he is looking more like a hooker than anything and they turn him loose. I am sure the beer flowed freely during this transformation giving Bobby more courage and Jerry and his wife more ideas. Well, Bobby begins strolling down the street and it wasn't long before some real guys eyeballed him. That's when the chase began. When I say chase I mean CHASE.First they called to him to join them. Bobby began walking rather fast to avoid them but they were interested in meeting this little beauty. They tried to approach Bobby. Seems they were interested in knowing who this lovely thing was walking around after dark and obviously too old to be trick-or treating. Well, maybe trick-or-treating in a different way. Bobby took off and ran for his life! How he ran in those high heels I'll never know. Hair flying, Bobby sprinting,and Jerry laughing too hard to help Bobby escape.I do not remember just how he got away but he did, thank the Lord! Those guys chasing him were serious.Who knows what would have happened if he had gotten caught.Bobby never did like Halloween after that.

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