Welcome to my blog

This is the story of my journey growing up in a family with all brothers who saw every raised platform as a stage. These guys kept me sane in the most difficult times in life. We had a bond that forms when children band together to make the best of a difficult situations. I loved them and they loved me. Together we pushed through the hardship and made it into adulthood, some more broken than others, but made it just the same with the help of God.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Charlie the doll

Back in 1952 it wasn't acceptable for little boys to have dolls.Guess who had a doll?
Yep, Bobby.I guess I needed someone to play dolls with me so Bobby got Charlie. Charlie was a rubber doll with no clothes. Bobby loved Charlie. I guess I need to mention that Bobby was only 3 years old so you don't think Bobby's sexual orientation was, you know, different. Anyway, we had a fire. Daddy got drunk and passed out while he was smoking and the mattress caught on fire. All I remember was everyone yelling and smoke burning my eyes and Bobby crying because Charlie wasn't rescued from the burning apartment. Actually, I don't think there was ever any flames just a lot of smoke.Poor Charlie, someone threw him away after the fire and Bobby never got another doll. Charlie lived in our memories for decades. Bobby had to wait until he married and had children of his own to have another boy doll...this time a real one that he named James.

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