Welcome to my blog

This is the story of my journey growing up in a family with all brothers who saw every raised platform as a stage. These guys kept me sane in the most difficult times in life. We had a bond that forms when children band together to make the best of a difficult situations. I loved them and they loved me. Together we pushed through the hardship and made it into adulthood, some more broken than others, but made it just the same with the help of God.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

All time high.

Today my life experience reached an all time high.
As I pulled into my driveway I saw what appeared to be a pack of dogs running around Center Circle.
This really concerned me as we have so many children that play in this area and some neighbors have had their chickens killed by dogs. So I rushed out to track down the dogs. They were goats!  Kurt's goats had escaped from their pen.
Loong story short...Sheri and I tried tethering the 2 adult goats hoping the babies would follow us. The trouble was the adult tethered goats would not cooperate. Somehow Sheri got her goat moving toward the pen, but mine would not move. Now I know what people mean when they say, " you are acting like an ole goat." I also better understand the term " You smell like a goat ."
Alas, we got all of them in the pen and locked the gate!
What the heck?
More goats were running around outside the back of the pen!
 No, not more goats, but the SAME goats.
The very ones that we had dragged, prodded, begged and used our mommy voice with were the same goats we just struggled to get in the pen.
They escaped...again :(
Ok, we can do this. Between us Sheri and I had raised 12 children surely we can contain 6 goats. We got them back in the pen and leaned a couple of heavy concrete pavers against the fence from where they were escaping. While I was doing this I saw one of the adult goats trying to unlock the gate...I'm not making this up! I ran over to secure the gate with a wire. Meantime Sheri had to leave. Peg Barcomb ( the goats grandmother) came over with a couple of leashes. She had called Kurt about the naughty goats and he said to leash the adults to a pole. The babies would stay put. As we were trying to leash the adults one of the babies got out...again.Finally Peg and I secured both adult goats  and put the baby back in the pen. .Alleluia!
Kurt arrived just as we finished. Kurt to the rescue
I started home feeling very much like the Goat Whisper.

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