Welcome to my blog

This is the story of my journey growing up in a family with all brothers who saw every raised platform as a stage. These guys kept me sane in the most difficult times in life. We had a bond that forms when children band together to make the best of a difficult situations. I loved them and they loved me. Together we pushed through the hardship and made it into adulthood, some more broken than others, but made it just the same with the help of God.

Friday, January 15, 2010

My family has been after me forever to write down my experiences from my childhood and forward. I don't know why. There is nothing special about me or my life except to say that I have given life my best shot. I am a really blessed person. So, for the sake of those who might be interested here I go.

1 comment:

Lee Anne Jarrett said...

This is so awesome! I love it. Please keep sending more stories. Even though we miss Bobby and Jerry you, dad, and granny can hold these memories for all of us. Your life is very special! Its an inspiration to the spirit of life and the way you all used laughter to overcome the disfunction and saddness you felt as children. Now you and the family that is left are here to inspire everyone. Thank you. Love, Lee Anne