Welcome to my blog

This is the story of my journey growing up in a family with all brothers who saw every raised platform as a stage. These guys kept me sane in the most difficult times in life. We had a bond that forms when children band together to make the best of a difficult situations. I loved them and they loved me. Together we pushed through the hardship and made it into adulthood, some more broken than others, but made it just the same with the help of God.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My own little thoughts

The other day I was doing some cleaning up in the yard. For some reason I find gardening/yard work almost prayerful. My mind is free to think, and talk to God while my body is slaving away. As I was raking, and picking up trash my thoughts drifted back over my life, and I was again struck at how good God has been to me. I said, "Lord, why have you been so good to me?" Immediately the thought came to me(I call this God speaking to me)"So you will be good to others." I said, "Yes!"

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